Lamar Odom o gubitku prijatelja: Volio bih da sam ja otišao umjestu Kobea

Vijest o pogibiji Kobea Bryanta pogodila je mnoge košarkaše, sportiste i obične ljude širom svijeta, a jedan od onih koji su najteže primili vijest o jučerašnjoj tragediji je svakako Lamar Odom.

Odom, koji je od 2004. do 2011. godine igrao sa Bryantom u Lakersima, je uvijek isticao kako mu je Kobe bio najbolji prijatelj i osoba koja ga je vodila kroz život, te koja ga je spasila kada je zbog problema sa drogom završio u komi.

Nekadašnja zvijezda Lakersa istakla je da bi volio da je Bog uzeo njega umjesto Bryanta.

“Kobe me naučio mnogim stvarima, ne samo na parketu već i u životu. Naš odnos nije bio kao između oca i sina. On je bio moj učitelj, a ja njegov brat. Nisam mogao doći do daha kada sam čuo vijest. Vjerovao sam u to da bi on u slučaju pada helikoptera uspio iskočiti i dočekati se na noge i preživjeti. Još uvijek čekam vijesti da ovo nije istina. Ne mogu da vjerujem da je Bog uzeo mog brata ovako rano.”

“Ja nisam bio dobar prema sebi u životu. Kada sam bio u komi, da me Bog pitao da biram da li bi da uzme mene a poštedi Kobea, pristao bih na to. U čast mog brata ustajem odmah sutra u 4 ujutro i idem u dvoranu trenirati.” – napisao je između ostalog Odom na Instagramu.

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These picture are just the tip of the iceberg of our relationship. He taught me so many things in life that were necessary on and off the court. On the court he taught me how to carve out defenses and how to take my time. How to make winning my ultimate goal. Off the court he taught me to sign my own checks lol. Of course anyone who knows my story knows I’ve suffered a lot of loss but the only loss I can compare this to is when I lost my son. Even though our relationship wasn’t father/son, it was more like him being a teacher and me being his brother. I’m glad I got to be the ying to your yang as far as the locker room was concerned. It was my pleasure. I couldn’t even catch my breath today when I heard this news. I just knew if he was in a helicopter crash he would have been the one to survive. Somehow he would have jumped out and landed on his feet. I’m sitting here thinking about when we would be in practice scrimmaging and you would start the jump ball off with elbowing Sasha in the chest. Like dude it’s 10:30 in the morning lol. You think watching him play was crazy, you gotta think in practice if you scored like 8-9 buckets throughout the practice you had a great practice. I’ve seen him knock off 13-14 in a row in practice!!!! I’m still waiting for the media to come out and say wrong report. No way God took my brother this early. I know I been through my own stuff in life with using drugs and not being good to myself. When I went through that Coma situation if God would have came to me and said we would take me and spare Kobe I would have rather that happened. In honor of my brother I’m up at 4am tomorrow to get to the gym! Gigi gone give you buckets!!!! I love you brother